
List your property and get commission-free bookings

  • Register your property
  • Start welcoming guests
  • You and Rita De Santis both get rewarded
Terms and conditions
Register for free
  • 45% of hosts get their first booking within a week
  • Choose between instant bookings and booking requests
  • We handle payments for you
Already started a registration?
Continue your registration
List with peace of mind
Damage payments
Our damage programme covers your property in case of damages.
Your own house rules
Communicate your house rules to potential guests who must agree to them in order to book.
Choose how you prefer to receive bookings
Either by letting guests book instantly, or by reviewing booking requests before accepting them.
Protection from liability claims
Receive protection against liability claims from guests and neighbours of up to €/£/$1,000,000 for each reservation.
Get paid consistently and securely
Get guaranteed payouts and fraud protection through Payments by
Verified guests
We verify guests email addresses and credit cards for partners on Payments by
Robust support
Access support in 45 languages and manage your property through Pulse, our app for partners like you.
Stand out from the start
Import your reviews
We import your review score from other platforms and display it on your property page, so you don’t start at zero reviews.
Import your property details
Seamlessly import your property details and sync your availability calendar with other platforms to make it easy to list and avoid double bookings.
Stand out in the market
The ‘New to’ label helps you stand out in our search results.

Reach a unique global customer base

of holiday rental guests return to book with us again
of nights booked by travellers at the end of 2023 were for international stays.
of holiday rental customers are at Genius Level 2 or 3. These travellers tend to spend more and book directly on our platform.
of all nights booked on our platform were at a holiday rental. More and more travellers flex book both hotels and alternative accommodation.

Your questions answered

Still have questions? Find answers to all your questions on our FAQ

Sign up and start welcoming guests today!

Register for free
  • 45% of hosts get their first booking within a week
  • Choose between instant bookings and booking requests
  • We handle payments for you